Tip of the Week – April 10 to 14, 2023
Consequences can help empower children to make decisions and solve problems. To use consequences effectively as part of disciplining, they must make logical sense to the child. Find out more about using consequences as a part of discipline. Take our eLearning course, Keys to Success in Disciplining.
Tip of the Week – April 3 to 7, 2023
Effective discipline is not so much what we say, but more what we do that helps our children learn. Try applying simple discipline principles, staying consistent, structuring the environment rather than trying to control the child to help teach children to be responsible and to self-regulate as they become older. Find out what discipline really […]
Tip of the Week – March 27 to 31, 2023
If your children are fighting, try acknowledging their anger first (without judgement or taking sides); then respectfully and objectively describe what you think is the problem. Now express confidence in their ability to resolve this problem on their own. Check out more strategies in our FREE eLearning course, Coping with the Combat: When Siblings Fight.
Tip of the Week – March 20 to 24, 2023
Proactive, consistent, patient parenting benefits all children. However, it is especially important for those children with the following temperament profiles on the more extreme spectrum: very active, intense, persistent, cautious in their initial reaction to new people and situations, and slow to adapt to new situations. Find out more about temperament and some specific strategies […]
Tip of the Week – March 6 to 10, 2023
Did you know that the order in which your children were born may link them to certain characteristics and behaviorial tendencies? When we understand our children better, we understand why they might act in certain ways. Want to learn more about birth order and your child’s personality in general? Check out our eLearning course, Unlocking […]
Tip of the Week – February 27 to March 3, 2023
Strengthen your stepfamily by keeping communication clear, open, and often. There will be fewer opportunities for misunderstanding and more possibilities for connection. Discuss everything that children need to know. Do fun things together as a family.
Tip of the Week – February 20 to 24, 2023
Don’t allow yourself to feel guilty because you are a single parent. Accept the situation and don’t spoil your child trying to ‘make up’ for it. Instead, show acts of nurturing and love towards your children (and yourself).
Tip of the Week – January 30 to February 3, 2023
No money for activities for children? No problem! Try at home options that are free, fun and will keep children of all ages moving and laughing at the same time. For example, try Dance and Freeze. Everyone dances to the music. When the music stops, freeze in position until the music restarts.
Tip of the Week – January 23 to 27, 2023
Why not use family meetings as an opportunity to plan meals for the week? Involving the family will help teach cooperation while planning and when it comes time to eat. Plus knowing what you need to buy for the coming week will save you money at the grocery store.
Tip of the Week – January 16 to 20, 2023
You can encourage your children to eat healthy by focusing on choices rather than limitations, even when you are on a budget. For example, give them choices in the food planning, “Ground beef is on sale. Should we make meatballs or sloppy Joes?” or “We have carrots for vegetable tonight. Would you like them as […]