We need your help to keep going

There are numerous easy ways to provide support to FEC through donations.
- Individual donations
- Foundations and Family Endowment Funds
- Service Clubs
- Fundraising activities
- Corporate donations
Individual Donations
By making your one-time donation of any amount you choose, YOU can make a profound difference in the life of others.
To make a donation, please contact info@familyedcentre.org.
Foundations and Family Endowment Funds
Private family endowment funds and foundation granting funds can be directed to support FEC. Families can self-direct endowed funds to the charity of their choice and Foundation undesignated funds can be used to support specific FEC programs.
For example, the Catherine Maxwell and Meighen Foundation supports FEC’s Parenting Partnership with Schools program, which provide programming in schools for parents of each school community.
Talk to your family, your financial planner or your Foundation grants coordinator to find out how to designate your annual endowment contribution to FEC.
Service Clubs and Organizations
Regional service clubs, like Rotary, Probus, Kiwanis and 100 Women Who Care etc. designate charities of choice for their fundraising activities.
For example, the Rotary Club of Bramalea supports FEC’s Balancing Canadian Parenting and Traditional Values program, which helps newcomer families explore the nuances of Canadian parenting and identify the challenges of parenting in a new country. It provides skills and tools for parents to utilize to help maintain traditional values in the home while parenting children who are immersed in Canadian school culture.
Keep in mind the Family Education Centre when you attend your next service club or organization meeting.
Fundraising Activities
One of our biggest fundraising activities is Bingo. This activity helps support FEC’s Parent Information and Support program which allows parents to reach out to FEC for continual parent information and support, either before or after a program. It also provides other community resources to parents who are struggling with parenting issues.
In 2017, bingo fundraised dollars helped to support 813 parents in Brampton. On average, this program serves 75 parents per month through call-in support and information. It also helped subsidize 51 parents in Brampton, allowing those who could not otherwise have been able to afford the support, have access to a parenting course.
If you are interested in organizing a fundraising activity (music or dance event, percentage sales of products, auction, dinner, sports event etc.) to support FEC, please contact us and ask for our Executive Director, Lynn Hand.
Corporate Donations
If your company or organization has a social responsibility with a focus on families and children, FEC is an important charity to consider as part of their designated charities. Many companies have matching programs, sponsorships for specific programs or events, or in kind donations that could benefit FEC families in a variety of ways. Have your company’s corporate social responsibility officer, marketing and sponsorship director or corporate sustainability lead please contact us and ask for our Executive Director, Lynn Hand to have an exploratory conversation.