Tip of the Week: Jun 28 – Jul 4

Children need to learn to be in control of their environments. If you give them a bit of power, they often “buy into” whatever needs to be done.

Tip of the Week: Jun 21-27

Some ways to support a child with a language disorder includes talking a lot to your child. This will help your child learn new words. Try reading to your child every day and point at the words you see. Also, point out words and signs you see in the grocery store, at school, words in […]

Tip of the Week: Jun 14-20

During Covid-19, play can be effective medicine for stress and can encourage the development of positive social behaviours in children.

Tip of the Week: Jun 7-13

Parents can encourage learning by helping their children to see another point of view. Seeing and understanding the world from someone else’s point of view is an important life skill.

Tip of the Week: May 31-Jun 6

When you’re angry give yourself permission to pause for a moment, even if someone is waiting for your response. Feel free to let them know that you are consciously slowing the situation down. This helps to make good decisions rather than fast ones.

Tip of the Week: May 24-May 30

Democratic parenting is an engaging way to help kids to become responsible adults. This style of parenting recognizes and respects the rights of parents and children.

Tip of the Week: May 17-May 23

Identifying the emotion behind questionable behavior is the first step towards addressing any problems that the behavior creates.  Emotions drive behavior, even when the behavior is confusing.

Tip of the Week: May 10-May 16

Establish “special time” with each of your children. This is one-on-one time that has a start and end time. It is scheduled in advance and spent with one parent and one child. Special time does not cost any money and can be spent playing a board game, make-believe or bike riding. Your child chooses the […]

Tip of the Week: May 3-May 9

Accept teenagers as they are and help them to develop the courage to be imperfect.  Let teenagers do things for themselves and develop a sense of interdependence.