Sharing custody of your children over the holidays?

This time of the year can be very difficult for families who are co-parenting in different homes. Acknowledge and validate your child’s feelings throughout the transitioning between your two homes and allow them to enjoy their time with their other parent without feelings of guilt. If your home is feeling empty while they are away, […]

Parenting a grieving child?

Maintain consistent routines and structure as much as possible. Children/youth will need the security, stability and structure of knowing some things have not changed. For more strategies and support ideas to help with parenting and grief, take our FREE eLearning program, Weathering the Storm: Parenting Grieving Children. We also have other free resources that can […]

If your child is strong-willed….

…and sometimes takes on battles that aren’t theirs, try giving him/her some positive power by putting their passions to a cause.  

Teach children to be responsible for their homework.

Sometimes parents get caught up in power struggles with their kids over homework. Why not let your child be the primary person responsible, even if you do not agree with their approach and completion. Let them know you are there for guidance if they choose, but not to complete it for them. You can even […]

Kids can be stressed too.

Spend 10 minutes with each of your children. Ask your child about times when he or she feels worried, upset, or stressed. Ask them, ‘What do you worry about? What upsets you? What do you do when you are feeling upset?’ They can also write down their feelings or draw a picture. For more stress […]

Dealing with an angry child?

Try giving them choices, both in the moment (if possible) but also when they are not angry. Choices empower children and allow them to become responsible for their own actions. For more anger strategies, try our eLearning program, Why so Angry? Parenting Strategies to Deal with Anger and Avoid Explosions. Why so Angry? Parenting Strategies […]

Struggling with family-work-life balance?

Family-work-life balance is difficult to achieve without effective priority setting. Learn ways to set priorities on the things that matter most and to say “no” to the things that matter least.  

Support your child’s play…

Play is children’s way of being part of the world they live in. Parents can support play by giving their children chances to play and by being involved with their play. Explore the importance of play by taking our eLearning course, What’s Play Got to Do with It? The Importance of Play in Your Child’s […]