Having trouble getting your child to eat their vegetables?

Children often prefer ‘crunchy’ to ‘cooked’. When they are hungry and waiting for dinner, why not let them munch on some raw carrot sticks or tomato slices. Then when they sit to have their meal, they have already eaten their vegetables. Want more ideas? Check out our resources on our website under category, Healthy Eating […]

Parenting a grieving child can be especially difficult during the holidays.

Sometimes children have difficulty trying to understand and articulate what they are feeling. Let them know you are always available if and when they are ready to share. Some children find it easier to talk when they are doing a side-by-side activity with you rather than have a face-to-face conversation. *For more helpful suggestions, listen […]

Separated or divorced? Keep a child-first focus as we approach the holidays.

Try to work with your child’s other parent to decide what is best for your child rather than focusing on hurting, inconveniencing, or seeking revenge on them (the other parent). Looking for some help with that? Take our self-paced eLearning course, Parenting in Partnership through Separation and Divorce for some ideas, strategies and inspiration.  Tip […]

About helping children solve problems

You can help children of all ages learn the skill of problem solving by helping them identify the different choices they have and the possible consequences of each one. Tip of the Week – December 4 to 8, 2023