Tip of the Week: August 17-23

It is a child’s job to play! Help your child develop through play.   Explore: Discover objects, animals, and people on your walks and visits.  Create and Construct: Does your child like to colour, paint, draw or build? Use inexpensive craft items, and everyday recyclable items to create structures and art. Play Acting and Drama: Your […]

Tip of the Week: August 10-16

Family relationships don’t disappear when a marriage ends in separation or divorce. For the best interest of their children, divorcing parents need to continue to communicate with each other in all matters regarding the safety, health and wellbeing of the children.

Tip of the Week: August 3-9

Encourage your teen by focusing on their assets and strengths to build their self-esteem. Turn liabilities into assets and problem behaviour can be looked at in a positive way.

Tip of the Week – July 27 – August 2, 2020

Parents and caregivers everywhere say the same thing, “These kids are driving me crazy! Why are they always fighting?” When siblings fight, we can help our children feel understood, which will then allow them to productively move ahead to resolving or settling the issue.

Tip of the Week – July 20 – 26, 2020

Many parents do not feel they are able to practice self- care due to all the demands that life throws their way. By taking the time to care for ourselves we are teaching our children that it is okay to put ourselves first when we need a break.

Tip of the Week – July 13 – 19, 2020

Hand holding mobile phone wearing red sweater

Keep your kids safe online. Maintain interest in your child’s online world. Talk about what sites, apps and games they like and don’t like and who they ‘chat’ to.

Tip of the Week – July 6 – 12, 2020

Young children thrive on structure and predictability. Create a daily routine that is somewhat predictable and lets you off the hook from ad hoc scheduling. Every family will come up with their unique schedule, depending on how many adults are available to help and what they are juggling.

Tip of the Week – June 29 – July 5, 2020

You may find yourself doling out more ‘Time-outs’ than usual with your child. The true purpose of a time-out is to calm down and think, which is a step towards internal motivation and the foundation for lasting behavioural change. Time-out is a good skill for parents as well –when you are feeling angry, it is […]

Tip of the Week – June 22 – 28, 2020

Family Meetings are a great opportunity to encourage and empower your children and a perfect time to reinforce family values and culture. In these meetings you can instil important family principles and get your children involved in decisions that impact the family. Also, use the time to work through issues when everyone is calm rather […]

Tip of the Week – June 15 – 21, 2020

During this pandemic, parents can expect to see some changes in their child’s behaviour. When children are stressed, it often comes out in their behaviour. This might look different depending on your child’s age, temperament, stress level, etc.  It’s OK and actually helpful for children when parents manage their behaviour in the way they normally […]