Tip of the Week October 21 – 27, 2019

You can help your child develop important skills such as creativity, problem solving and social interactivity by giving them opportunities for unstructured play, both by themselves and with their peers and friends.

Tip of the Week October 14 – 20, 2019

Separated or divorced? Remember that your child loves his/her other parent. Treat the other parent with respect in dealings with the child in view or in communications when the child is around.

Tip of the Week October 7 – 13, 2019

Homework struggles? Why not involve your child in the solution by asking for their input on the best time and place for homework completion rather than telling them.

Tip of the Week September 23 – 29, 2019

Are you a single parent? Try not to allow yourself to feel guilty. Try to accept the situation and not spoil your children trying to ‘make up’ for it. Instead, show acts of nurturing and love towards your children (and yourself).

Tip of the Week September 16 – 22, 2019

Difficulties getting young children to stop playing when it’s time to go home or prepare for bed? A simple five-minute warning gives young children a chance to get ready, finish what they are doing and prepare to transition into the next activity.

Tip of the Week September 9 – 15, 2019

When you are dealing with siblings fighting, (assuming no one is getting hurt) try to acknowledge your child’s feelings and wishes but don’t necessarily give in to them. This helps them feel understood and will help to diffuse the emotion in the situation.