Tip of the Week – July 17 to 21, 2023

Give your young child an early start in their development through play. Not only does play allow children to explore their world, but it also provides them with opportunities to learn and practice important life skills such as problem solving, creativity, language, relationships, and how cause and effect works. Want some fresh FREE play ideas? […]

Tip of the Week – July 10 to 14, 2023

Take your child’s unique temperament into account when planning and encouraging them to participate in activities. For example, if your child is ‘slow to adapt’, you may want to slowly transition them into new activities and play situations. If they are ‘quick to adapt’, you can probably plan a lot of activities without worrying about […]

Tip of the Week – July 3 to 7, 2023

Looking for summertime fun for your kids? You do not need to enroll them in expensive activities. There are many fun family friendly games that only require creativity and simple items. Looking for ideas? Click here: https://familyedcentre.org/fun-physical-activities-for-families/ *These tip sheets are also available in varies languages.

Want to be heard? Try this!

Kids are out of school and excited! One tip that can help parents and caregivers communicate with their child and be heard is to listen and let the child express themselves first; then say what you need to say simply and calmly. As a parent, being heard isn’t always easy. Take our eLearning course, Communicating […]

Every dad and child will have their own unique ‘way’ of connecting.

Every dad and child will have their own unique ‘way’ of connecting. For example, a dad may put baby to bed on the weekends using his own routine; another dad might play on the swings with their preschooler; another dad might help their child with math homework; a dad of a teenager might enjoy shooting […]

Honouring Dads

Tip of the Week – June 12 to 16, 2023 Dads may parent differently than moms. It is important for both parents to respect each other’s differences. This can help children feel secure because they know they can count on both their parents for their needs. For more great information for dads, check out these […]

Tip of the Week – June 5 to 9, 2023

Sometimes single parents can feel guilty about being a one-income home and having to say ‘no’ to their children about certain costly things. This is also an opportunity to help teach your children about money, the importance of budgeting and how to separate needs from wants. *Looking for more ideas to help teach your children […]

Tip of the Week – May 29 to June 2, 2023

Often when immigrant families arrive in Canada, they leave behind many loved ones. Both parents and children feel lonely and fearful. Encourage your children to explore new friendships but you can also help them honour friends and family left behind by drawing pictures and writing stories about their new experiences and mailing them. Take pictures, […]

Tip of the Week – May 22 to 26, 2023

If you are a ‘new to Canada parent’, you may be experiencing a tremendous amount of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty as you look for work and adapt to a new environment. Take a few long, deep, breaths in and out. If you have some extra time, write down your thoughts, talk to an understanding person, […]

Tip of the Week – May 15 to 19, 2023

Discipline is about teaching and allowing children to learn from their mistakes. Punishment is random and more about control. However, for discipline to be effective, Mom and Dad need to present as a united team to the children. If you disagree with your partner, don’t have these discussions in front of the children. During the […]