Course Navigational video
Watch the video below.“Grief is never something you get over. You don't wake up one morning and say, 'I've conquered that; now I'm moving on.' It's something that walks beside you every day. And if you can learn how to manage it and honour the person that you miss, you can take something that is incredibly sad and have some form of positivity.”
Terri Irwin
What can we do to help our grieving children cope with the stress, hardship and change that comes when we experience a death in our families or community? How do we support them during this extremely difficult time while still managing our own feelings of grief and carrying the responsibilities of our homes?
This e-learning course, Weathering the Storm: Parenting Grieving Children, developed in partnership with The Children and Youth Grief Network, will help parents of grieving children and youth – many of whom are also grieving themselves, navigate the unfamiliar territory of providing care after someone has died.
Course Objectives
By completing this e-learning course, you will be able to:
- Understand what grief is and the different reactions both they and their children may experience.
- Gain basic knowledge of their own/their child’s personality to understand how they may process grief and what they may need from others while grieving.
- Identify the developmental stages that children and youth go through, and the needs/characteristics that are associated with each stage.
- Learn basic communication skills to help guide sensitive interactions with their children.
- Examine some basic activities that can be used to support children and youth in processing/expressing their grief.
- Explore some self-care options for parents.
- Understand the role and intention of disciplining children/youth while remaining sensitive to the child’s vulnerability while grieving.
- Recognize some of the factors in adolescent development, how grieving may impact these and what parents/caregivers can do to help.
- Hear and see real life parents share their own very personal experiences of how they dealt with or are dealing with their own grief and their messages of hope.
- Watch and hear two Grief Counsellors share their experiences of working with grieving children, youth and families.
- Optimize the downloadable/printable workbook included in this course as an optional resource as a reflective, guided writing tool.
Course Materials
- Lessons/Parent-to-Parent Video Lessons
- Audio enhanced materials
- Video Information Clips
- Downloadable/printable Weathering the Storm Workbook (you can also keep electronic notes if you prefer).
- Downloadable/printable Take-away Tip Sheets
This course is stacked with information and resources to help you through this difficult time and because the Grief Journey is so unique and personal for each individual, we invite you to complete the lessons at your pace and in the order you prefer.
We wish you and your family wellness and peace in your journey.
Please note that much of the information in this course is taken with permission from A Handbook for Supporters: Extending Compassion & Care to Grieving Youth and A Handbook for Volunteers: Supporting Children Grieving the Dying and Death of a Loved One by The Children and Youth Grief Network.
*The Children and Youth Grief Network is a collaboration of 13 agencies across Peel, Halton & the GTA. Visit their website to learn more about their partners and how they can help: www.childrenandyouthgriefnetwork.com or connect with them on social media:
Facebook: @childrenandyouthgriefnetwork &
Twitter: @c_grief
If you would like more information, please contact info@childrenandyouthnetwork.com
We would like at acknowledge and thank The Children and Youth Grief Network for their time and contributions to this e-learning course. In addition. we would also like to express our gratitude to the parents and volunteers who generously and courageously shared their own personal grief journeys and made our People’s Perspective videos possible. Thank you as well to Tory Hagerman and Candace Ray for sharing their experiences from working with grieving families as well as their expertise for the People’s Perspective – A Word from Counsellors videos.
Tory Hagerman is a Certified Child Life Specialist and Registered Early Childhood Educator. She has spent the last 12 years working with a diverse group of children and families in both clinical and community settings. Most recently, she has worked with Gilda’s Club of Greater Toronto, and The Children and Youth Grief Network. She has extensive experience engaging children in play-based learning and emphasizes inclusion and accessibility in all of her work. Tory is passionate in ensuring every child, youth and family has access to honest, appropriate information around grief and bereavement.
Candace Ray is the Director of Services and Operations at the Lighthouse for Grieving Children in Oakville, Ontario where she oversees the provision of bereavement support services for over 350 participants annually and coordinates community education and training initiatives. With over 30 years in social work and public education, Candace has supported children and their families facing a range of life challenges in both community and educational settings. Candace serves on the development team of Canadian Virtual Hospice’s KidsGrief and is a founding partner of the Child and Youth Grief Network.
This e-learning course is meant to be an educational and general interest program and is NOT intended to replace professional therapy, counselling or advice. You should not depend on the information in this e-learning course and its associated forums, discussion groups, and services for medical, psychological, legal or financial decisions. Please consult a mental health professional for advice or treatment regarding any mental health concerns. Peel Family Education Centre, The Children and Youth Grief Network or any of its partners or affiliates are not liable to anyone for any act or omission taken in reliance upon any information provided by this e-learning course.
*Download your workbook now to begin your course. If you prefer, you can use a personal journal or you can type your ideas into your online notebook.