Do you find yourself feeling angry and yelling at your children during this pandemic? That’s because it’s not unusual to experience more anger, stress and frustration during times of uncertainty.

In fact, anger is a common reaction when stress is higher than normal and remains high over an extended period of time. Many parents are admitting to having reached their breaking point due to what seems like an endless lockdown and quarantine. Here are the common reasons why so many parents are experiencing anger right now:

LITTLE OR NO SLEEP: parents are dealing with the added responsibility of parenting around the clock 24/7 with family members being out of school or working from home.

MORE HOME & WORK RESPONSIBILITES: parents are doing extra laundry, cooking, shopping and cleaning while balancing a work-from-home job and home schooling their children.

CARING FOR OTHERS: some parents also have the added responsibility of caring for elderly parents, friends and neighbours as well.

Each one of these added responsibilities requires a lot more energy from a parent. So parents that don’t have the extra energy, tend to feel angrier and less patient with their children. Because anger is another form of fear, no one will blame you for feeling angry or frustrated during a pandemic. Because we all know that caring for children is a challenging job even on a “normal” parenting day. So forgive yourself for losing your cool from time to time. Just be aware that staying angry will continue to deplete your energy and create more stress. More importantly, your children need a parent who is understanding, calm and patient with them during this boring and confusing time. So here are some ways to help you avoid getting angry and stay calm…

When you feel yourself getting angry, quickly remove yourself from the source of your anger and take 3 deep calming breathes. This will help you calm down and give you time to re-focus on your stressful situation.

Set realistic, achievable goals each day for both you and your children

Treat yourself to a re-energizing afternoon nap and try go to sleep earlier each night

Delegate some of your responsibilities to other family members

Factor in “fun time” – like a hot bath, a leisurely walk, read or watch your favourite TV show

Finally, always remember to stay in control of your anger; otherwise, your anger will stay in control of you!