E-Learning Programs

Coping with the Combat: When Siblings Fight
Course Description: Parents and caregivers everywhere say the same thing, “These kids are driving me crazy! Why are they always fighting?” This is true for most families, whether you are […]
Communicating Effectively with Your Children
Effective communication is the key to positive relationships. Learn practical approaches to create a respectful environment that will encourage children to open up more honestly to you while dealing with their feelings. Parents will also learn how to enhance respectful verbal and listening skills that help increase chances of being heard and engaging cooperation.
Is This Child Mine? Understanding Your Child’s Unique Temperament
Course Description: Identifying temperament traits in our children and family members can bring understanding about behaviour and help parents develop strategies to accommodate a wide variety of temperament traits. What […]
Keys for Success in Disciplining
Course Description: In this e-learning course, Keys to Success in Disciplining, we are going to take a close look at some discipline methods that can help you guide your child […]
Power Struggles to Tranquility: Understanding Misbehaviour
Course Description: In this e-learning course, Power Struggles to Tranquility: Understanding Misbehaviour, you will have an in-depth look at misbehaviour; why children misbehave and what we can do about it. […]
Terrifying to Terrific: Tempering Your Teen
Course Description: The teen years are a time for change and challenge for both parents and the teens themselves. For parents and caregivers, understanding teen behaviour and their developmental stage […]
Thinking of Staying Home with Your Kids? Stay Home and Stay You
Course Description: More than ever, the decision to stay home with your children is a tough one for any parent to make. Even after you’ve made this choice, you may […]
Unlocking the Mystery of Your Child: Why Your Child is the Way They Are
Course Description: Understanding and being understood is a simple and basic human need – yet, there is nothing simple about us humans. Even at a young age, our children are […]
What’s Play Got to Do With It? The Importance of Play in a Child’s Development
Course Description: What does play have to do with it? Have you ever stopped to consider the purpose of play in the development of your child? Play is considered a […]
What’s the Big Deal About Self-Esteem? Helping Our Children Grow Healthy Self-Esteem
Course Description: Did you know that positive self-esteem affects all facets of our lives including how we think, act, work and conduct ourselves in our relationships? As parents, we are […]
Whose Problem Is This? Teaching Children the Art of Problem Solving
Course Description: Did you know that the problems our children encounter are actually opportunities for us to help them learn an important life skill that will serve them well in […]
Parenting in Partnership Through Separation and Divorce
Course Description There are countless reasons why couples separate and divorce. The result of this life changing decision can create havoc in your life and open the flood gates for […]
Weathering the Storm: Parenting Grieving Children
What can we do to help our grieving children cope with the stress, hardship and change that comes when we experience a death in our families or community? How do […]
What’s Your Style? How Your Parenting Style Impacts Your Child’s Growth and Development
Course Description Your parenting style affects the relationship you have with your child as well as how your child relates to others. Parenting and society in general have changed over […]
Why so Angry? Parenting Strategies to Deal with Anger and Avoid Explosions
Most, if not all, parents would agree that parenting is not easy. We get little preparation, no time off, and little appreciation. It is one thing to raise a child, […]
New to Canada? Balancing Canadian Parenting and Traditional Values (Includes Punjabi content and videos)
Raising children is hard work! If you are a newcomer to Canada, which may have different customs and expectations than your country of origin, parenting can seem even more overwhelming […]
New to Canada? Parenting Suggestions for You (includes Punjabi content and videos)
*Content is available in Punjabi and English. After coming to Canada, there are many new experiences for your entire family such as finding a home, finding work, settling into a […]
Learning Disabilities Explained: How to Support and Empower the Child that Struggles
Are you the discouraged parent or caregiver of a child who is struggling at school and/or is finding social situations with their peers challenging? Do you suspect your child has […]
Pathways to Potential: Parenting Children and Youth with Autism
Are you parenting a child with autism? You may have asked yourself many questions such as, What can I be doing to support my child with autism at home to […]
For Dads by Dads: How to Build Awesome Kids and Have Fun Doing It
What do you get as a gift for a Dad? A toolkit that will help him build awesome kids! The key lies in becoming an involved and interactive father. This […]
Stress Less: Stress Strategies for Parents, Caregivers and Children
There is no doubt that with the complicated lives we have today, all of us, including our children, are exposed to more stress and intensity than ever before. When children […]
Parenting in Times of Financial Shortfalls, Poverty, and Crisis Situations
Are you currently trying to raise a family while struggling financially? Trying to sustain a family on low (or no) income can strip us of our individuality, our motivation, and […]
Coping with the Combat: When Siblings Fight
Course Description: Parents and caregivers everywhere say the same thing, “These kids are driving me crazy! Why are they always fighting?” This is true for most families, whether you are […]
Communicating Effectively with Your Children
Effective communication is the key to positive relationships. Learn practical approaches to create a respectful environment that will encourage children to open up more honestly to you while dealing with their feelings. Parents will also learn how to enhance respectful verbal and listening skills that help increase chances of being heard and engaging cooperation.
Is This Child Mine? Understanding Your Child’s Unique Temperament
Course Description: Identifying temperament traits in our children and family members can bring understanding about behaviour and help parents develop strategies to accommodate a wide variety of temperament traits. What […]
Keys for Success in Disciplining
Course Description: In this e-learning course, Keys to Success in Disciplining, we are going to take a close look at some discipline methods that can help you guide your child […]
Power Struggles to Tranquility: Understanding Misbehaviour
Course Description: In this e-learning course, Power Struggles to Tranquility: Understanding Misbehaviour, you will have an in-depth look at misbehaviour; why children misbehave and what we can do about it. […]
Terrifying to Terrific: Tempering Your Teen
Course Description: The teen years are a time for change and challenge for both parents and the teens themselves. For parents and caregivers, understanding teen behaviour and their developmental stage […]
Thinking of Staying Home with Your Kids? Stay Home and Stay You
Course Description: More than ever, the decision to stay home with your children is a tough one for any parent to make. Even after you’ve made this choice, you may […]
Unlocking the Mystery of Your Child: Why Your Child is the Way They Are
Course Description: Understanding and being understood is a simple and basic human need – yet, there is nothing simple about us humans. Even at a young age, our children are […]
What’s Play Got to Do With It? The Importance of Play in a Child’s Development
Course Description: What does play have to do with it? Have you ever stopped to consider the purpose of play in the development of your child? Play is considered a […]
What’s the Big Deal About Self-Esteem? Helping Our Children Grow Healthy Self-Esteem
Course Description: Did you know that positive self-esteem affects all facets of our lives including how we think, act, work and conduct ourselves in our relationships? As parents, we are […]
Whose Problem Is This? Teaching Children the Art of Problem Solving
Course Description: Did you know that the problems our children encounter are actually opportunities for us to help them learn an important life skill that will serve them well in […]
Parenting in Partnership Through Separation and Divorce
Course Description There are countless reasons why couples separate and divorce. The result of this life changing decision can create havoc in your life and open the flood gates for […]
Weathering the Storm: Parenting Grieving Children
What can we do to help our grieving children cope with the stress, hardship and change that comes when we experience a death in our families or community? How do […]
What’s Your Style? How Your Parenting Style Impacts Your Child’s Growth and Development
Course Description Your parenting style affects the relationship you have with your child as well as how your child relates to others. Parenting and society in general have changed over […]
Why so Angry? Parenting Strategies to Deal with Anger and Avoid Explosions
Most, if not all, parents would agree that parenting is not easy. We get little preparation, no time off, and little appreciation. It is one thing to raise a child, […]
New to Canada? Balancing Canadian Parenting and Traditional Values (Includes Punjabi content and videos)
Raising children is hard work! If you are a newcomer to Canada, which may have different customs and expectations than your country of origin, parenting can seem even more overwhelming […]
New to Canada? Parenting Suggestions for You (includes Punjabi content and videos)
*Content is available in Punjabi and English. After coming to Canada, there are many new experiences for your entire family such as finding a home, finding work, settling into a […]
Learning Disabilities Explained: How to Support and Empower the Child that Struggles
Are you the discouraged parent or caregiver of a child who is struggling at school and/or is finding social situations with their peers challenging? Do you suspect your child has […]
Pathways to Potential: Parenting Children and Youth with Autism
Are you parenting a child with autism? You may have asked yourself many questions such as, What can I be doing to support my child with autism at home to […]
For Dads by Dads: How to Build Awesome Kids and Have Fun Doing It
What do you get as a gift for a Dad? A toolkit that will help him build awesome kids! The key lies in becoming an involved and interactive father. This […]
Stress Less: Stress Strategies for Parents, Caregivers and Children
There is no doubt that with the complicated lives we have today, all of us, including our children, are exposed to more stress and intensity than ever before. When children […]
Parenting in Times of Financial Shortfalls, Poverty, and Crisis Situations
Are you currently trying to raise a family while struggling financially? Trying to sustain a family on low (or no) income can strip us of our individuality, our motivation, and […]