When it seems like the children are always fighting…

Try acknowledging their anger first (without judgement or taking sides); then respectfully and objectively describe what you think is the problem. Now express confidence in their ability to resolve this problem on their own. For more strategies and ideas, take our FREE eLearning course, Coping with the Combat: When Siblings Fight.

Fun Physical Activity for Families on a Budget

No money for activities for children? No problem! Try at home options that are free, fun and will keep children of all ages moving and laughing at the same time. For example, try Dance and Freeze. Everyone dances to the music. When the music stops, freeze in position until the music restarts. For more free, […]

If your child is a fussy eater and you are on a budget….

You can encourage your children to eat healthy, even when you are on a budget by focusing on choices rather than limitations. For example, give them choices in the food planning – “We have carrots for vegetable tonight. Would you like them as carrot sticks, coin rounds, or cooked with your dinner?” Involve children in […]

Make time for family fun!

For your Family Day weekend, why not plan a family fun activity together? Make a homemade pizza together and watch a movie (with all other devices off), take a walk together around the neighbourhood and play ‘I Spy,’ or try a board game or have a talent show where each family member performs something. The […]

Time In vs. Time Out

The true purpose of a Time-out is for a child to calm down and think, a foundation for lasting behavioural change. It is not meant to be a punishment.

An understanding of temperament will help you …

…support your children’s emotional needs, foster good behavior, minimize power struggles, and temper tantrums. Learn more about temperament and discover strategies to work with your child by taking our eLearning program, Is This Child Mine? Understanding Your Child’s Unique Temperament.