For dads…
You can build bonds with your children by doing things with them. Start when they are babies by being involved-carry them, change them, comfort them, and play with them. You can keep your connection going for life by staying involved at every stage of their growth. This Father’s Day, give yourself (or a dad you […]
Kids always fighting amongst themselves?
Sometimes (if no-one gets hurt), it is OK to let siblings settle some of their disagreements on their own. In some situations, just a little guidance can nudge children to solve problems amongst themselves. Looking for more strategies for sibling situations? Our FREE eLearning course, Coping with the Combat: When Siblings Fight can help.
Discipline is more about learning and less about punishing.
Stay consistent when disciplining your child so they can learn through the consequence of their actions. I.e.: The child will realize that a certain action, will have a certain consequence, therefore they can learn to take a different action. For more information about discipline, take our eLearning course, Keys for Success in Disciplining.
For a child that struggles to remember homework, forms, and commitments…
Help them stay organized by teaching them to note commitments on a wall calendar or device, set an alarm as a reminder, or create checklists. Using these small tools can become positive lifetime habits.
For all moms out there – take a little time for yourself.
Being a mom can be a demanding and exhausting job. Be sure to take just a few minutes everyday doing something for you. Just 10 minutes a day can help to rejuvenate your and refresh your mind, body, and spirit! For more ideas and tips, go to our resource page on Self-care.
If your child is anxious or tense…
Try having them tense and relax their fists 5 to 10 times. This can help your child release tension in their body.
Wondering how to teach children about money?
Find the ‘money teachable’ moments in your day to day lives and work some money lessons in whenever possible. For example, “We need to run to the store to pick up eggs. Can you help me count out the correct change to buy them?” Be sure your money lesson is relevant to your child. For […]
Working through relationship challenges?
You could try to find older people or couples in long term commitments who can share their experiences and provide unbiased opinions, rather than taking sides. It can be relieving and comforting to have someone to bounce things off. If these resources do not exist for you right now, there are online groups and literature […]
Struggling to express your concerns to your teen?
Try pointing out possible consequences without judgement while also acknowledging how your teen may be feeling. You can also ask your teen to voice their suggestions for problem solving. This could sound something like, “You may end up in summer school, or get left back and have no education or skills to find a job. […]
If you find yourself in power struggles with your child…
Remove yourself from the conflict When you are both calm, ask your child for their help in solving the problem. Sometimes children can present an angle we had not considered and considering their input will help give them some control (and ownership) over the situation.