Separated or divorced? Keep a child-first focus as we approach the holidays.
Try to work with your child’s other parent to decide what is best for your child rather than focusing on hurting, inconveniencing, or seeking revenge on them (the other parent). Looking for some help with that? Take our self-paced eLearning course, Parenting in Partnership through Separation and Divorce for some ideas, strategies and inspiration. Tip […]
About helping children solve problems
You can help children of all ages learn the skill of problem solving by helping them identify the different choices they have and the possible consequences of each one. Tip of the Week – December 4 to 8, 2023
Sometimes new to Canada parents worry that their children are not understanding or accepting their traditional values.
Make sure you listen to what your child has to say. Listening communicates values such as understanding and cooperation. Children absorb these values by copying parents. If you are new to Canada and are finding parenting challenging here, our resources can help. Go to our New to Canada Parents category on our website. Tip […]
Feeling overwhelmed from juggling work, life, and parenting responsibilities?
One strategy that may help is to set priorities and look at realistic expectations. What needs to be done now? What can wait until tomorrow, next week, or even next month? Tip of the Week – November 20 to 24, 2023
If you said some things you didn’t mean when you were angry with your teen.
Wait until you are both calm and start by apologizing for your side. Be patient, they may not reciprocate right away but may wait to see if you were in earnest about your apology. And even if they don’t apologize, your chances are better that they will listen to you when you are sincere. Looking […]
If your child doesn’t want to go to school…
Try entertaining their comment by relating (but not giving in), “I wish I could stay home from work too. Sometimes it is really hard to get myself there.” If this is persistent, try talking to them, their teacher, or even their siblings to see if there is a more serious issue. Tip of the Week […]
If your child has difficulty focusing or remembering what you say.
Try keeping instructions clear and brief, with the shortest number of steps. Show them what you need them to do rather than just giving them verbal instructions. If you suspect your child has ADD/ADHD, try some of the other tips and strategies here: Tip of the Week – October 30 to November 3, 2023
If your child is struggling at school.
Show faith in them and focus on their strengths. Find ways to work with their challenges to help them have faith in themselves. Be patient with them and with yourself. Tip of the Week – October 23 to 27, 2023
If you are parenting a child with autism.
Be prepared to advocate for them at school in a collaborative way. Just remember that your words and tone matter: it’s not what you say but how you say it. For more strategies to help, go here: Tip of the Week – October 16 to 20, 2023
About encouraging your child.
Notice and encourage every small step your child makes – in school and in other areas. For some ‘words’ that can help encourage your child, click here. Tip of the Week – October 9 to 13, 2023